High School Clubs & Activities




Art Club

Ms. LeBlond

Art Club is a visual arts activity group. We spend time learning new art techniques and processes and creating visual displays for school grounds. You may join at any time to cultivate your art skills and creativity. This is a great place to hone skills and create works for a college portfolio or to just explore your creative side. We currently meet 2-4 times per month on scheduled Wednesdays from 2:30-4pm.


Mr. Flowers

If you love music and play an instrument, or are willing to learn how to play, this is a great activity that occurs year long and includes marching band and concert performances.


Senior Class Advisors

Are you a senior? Would you like to help out your senior class? Join Canteen and work the food stand at football games to raise money for the prom and class picnic.


Ms. Mele

Another group of people that are performing for the crowd to songs and other music during football games, basketball games, and other events.


Mr. Ward

Like to play chess? Then join this club to compete with your classmate or another school for a bit more of a competitive level.



If your love for music travels more towards the singing part of the program this activity is for you, doesn’t matter if you’re new or an experienced singer.

Debate Club

Mr. Ward

This club allows for students to express, promote and defend differing opinions in a structured environment.


Mrs. Gabrielle

Gaming competitions in regional and state eSports leagues


Mr. Flowers

A group of people whose job it is to entertain the crowd with beautiful flag waving to the marching band’s beat during football games and other activities.

Flame (The)

Miss Zakrewsky

JTAHS’s literary magazine featuring original student produced stories, poetry, artwork, and production.

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

Ms. Rhode

Nationally recognized academic club that aims to provide opportunities for exploration, academic growth and career preparation for students interested in business and the free enterprise system.


Mrs. Hill

If you like to perform and dance, then join this team to have fun and dance.

History Club

Mr. Holub & Mr. Ellison

For the person that loves history or just wants a little more knowledge of past events then this club is for you, whether in the classroom or outside you get a lot of historic information.


Mr. Flowers

A group that uses batons to march with the band and move to the beats and songs.

Math Team

Ms. Patterson

If you have a competitive mindset with your math skills and want to compete with those skills, then join the math team.

Media & Design Competition

Mrs. Gabrielle

This activity allows students to prepare for the annual media & design competition that starts with regional completion at intermediate units and proceeds to state completion

Mock Trial Team

Mr. Strubinger

One of the largest in the nation, the PBA/YLD Mock Trial Competition gives more than 300 high school student teams from across the state the opportunity to act as lawyers and witnesses in simulated civil and criminal trials before actual judges and panels of juries. Lawyers volunteer to assist students as team advisors, scorekeepers and regional coordinators. Each year, the winning team goes on to represent Pennsylvania in the national competition. First meeting to be held in November and will meet 1-2 times per week

National Honor Society

Mrs. Milkowich

Students submit applications for selection to become members of this premier club that recognizes students for their scholarship, leadership, service, and character. NHS members provide yearlong service to the community within and outside of the high school.

Olympiad (Yearbook)

Mr. Schwartz

Recording for posterity all the important events and special people that make each year unique happens thanks to the yearbook staff. The staff identifies and captures all the funny, serious, or just memorable moments of the year.

Olympian (School Newspaper)

Ms. MacCorkle

Covering the local school news, taking polls, or covering sports in our school is the job of the school newspaper and if you like to write or interview people this may be a great activity to take part.

Olympian Leadership Council


Students use classroom learning to produce meaningful projects that benefit the community.


Mrs. Rosenberger

Enjoy a good structured speech in a measured amount of time? Join the Oratory Club and learn the art of organizing, building and developing a persuasive speech. Students will learn how to research ideas, create persuasive speeches, provide persuasive evidence, draw conclusions, enunciate words, relax in front of audiences, and use correct posture and style during public speaking. Students may participate in public speaking competitions.


Mrs. Butchko

PJAS is a statewide organization of junior and senior high school students designed to stimulate and promote interest in science among its members through the development of research projects and investigations. To participate in PJAS, at minimum, you must complete and individual research project that collects data and then present your findings to a panel of judges. The project must be on overhead slides usually completed using PowerPoint. The last Saturday in February our students go to Easton High School to compete in an all day competition that includes numerous schools in our region. If we have first place finishers at this Regional Competition (which we have for the last few years), then we go to Penn State in May to compete at the state competition.

Peer Helpers


If you need help or feel like helping others when subjects get a little too tough for students, this is a great club for you whether you need help or want to help.

Prom Committee

Senior Class Advisors

This group of students organize, plan, and prepare for the springtime formal dance.

Scholastic Scrimmage

Mr. Ellison

 This academic team competes against other schools in a quiz bowl format testing students’ depth of knowledge and cognitive speed.

School Play

Mrs. Kmetz

This is after school activity opens the theatrical world to anyone who wishes to act and perform in a show.

Ski Club

Mrs. Milkowich & Mrs. Frey

Do you love to ski or snowboard? Want to learn to ski or snowboard? This club provides JT students with group trips and rates to local ski areas.

Spanish Club

Mrs. Frey

Students in this club explores the language, the culture, and the diversity of the Spanish-speaking world.

Spanish National Honor Society

Mr. Getz

The criteria for is a 93% average, combined, in Spanish I, Spanish II, Spanish II and enrolled in Spanish IV.

Stage Crew

Mr. Conrad

This crew of students does many things on stage to help the Theatrical and musical productions go smoothly.

Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)

Mrs. Milkowich

This group is for students that do not support the actions of destructive decisions of anyone. The group focuses on not using alcohol, drugs, or tobacco.

Student Council

Mr. Kovac

Student Council serves as the governing body for students in our high school.  They also serve as a liaison between the students and administration.  This organization includes students grades 9-12.  Officers are elected but all meetings are open to any students with issues, concerns, or suggestions to make our school a better place. Activities include: Homecoming shirt drive, spirit week, Thanksgiving pie eating contest, volleyball tournament, pep rally.

Student Council has also donated close to 15 thousand dollars in scholarships to members of our school over the last decade.

Weight Training

Mr. McGowan

Just coming in to get stronger, or build your stamina and endurance, the weight room is where you’ll be able to achieve those goals.