Lawrence B. Morris School Information

Welcome to the Lawrence B. Morris School!
Our school is located in the town of Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania surrounded by the Pocono Mountains. Our kindergarten through eighth grade building is located at 150 West 10th Street in Jim Thorpe and is home to over 750 students! Our pre-kindergarten is currently housed at the Jim Thorpe Area High School, located at 1 Olympian Way, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229.
Our school has much to offer educationally. In addition to Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies, we offer instruction in library science, music, art, physical education, health, computer science/keyboarding (grades 4-8), and guidance. Lessons in all areas are infused with technology. The school is a 1:1 school, with every student in grades K-6 receiving an iPad for use at home and in school. Students in grades 7-8 receive a MacBook Air laptop for use at home and at school.
Student education goes beyond the "Regular" curriculum. We are fortunate to offer a Pre-kindergarten program, funded by the state. We offer Title I Reading and Math Support Classes, Gifted Support, and Learning Support integrated with our regular classes. The Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit #21 provides Life Skills and MDS classes within our building.
Please view the district website to gather information or contact us at 570-325-2703 if you have any further questions.
Our staff looks forward to partnering with every family to develop and guide a successful educational journey for each student.
School Office Hours: 8:00AM - 4:00PM Monday-Friday
Announcements: Please see the Daily Bulletin for the latest news and announcements.
School Year Schedule and Information
Please adhere to the following information to ensure a safe and supportive environment for all.
Breakfast: 8:15AM-8:45AM
All students should be in the building by 8:30AM
Classes Begin: 8:45AM
Parent Pick-up: 3:15PM
Bus departure: 3:25PM
Drop off & Dismissal
Safety is a top priority at the L.B. Morris School. Your cooperation is essential in ensuring safety on our campus and in our parking lot. You can help keep our students safe by following our procedures.
Students must be dropped off at the designated curb area. This is located in the top parking lot. Do not let your child off in the lower parking lot. Please do not get out of your car, as this will only hold up the others waiting in line.
Students eating breakfast can be dropped off at 8:15AM.
If you would like to wait with your child before school begins, please park your vehicle in a designated parking place and wait with him/her near the main entrance.
Please arrive at 3:10PM and wait in line and in your vehicle until students are dismissed. When parents arrive too early, instruction is disturbed. If you have smaller children, please keep them near you. We cannot permit parents or other children on the playground without a visitor’s pass during school hours. If you are walking, please wait near the main entrance. The school uses PickUp Patrol to manage the parent pickup process..
Please plan changes in routine with your child before the school day begins. If an emergency occurs during the day, please notify the office as soon as possible. When parents/guardians show up at the end of the day without notice, it compromises our ability to keep close count of the students.
The office is busy at the end of the day; please do not call with messages for students after 3:00PM.