Facility Use Guidelines
When individuals and community groups receive permission to use District facilities, such use shall be conditioned upon strict compliance of the following:
District activities take priority. In the event that your scheduled date is needed for District-sponsored activities, you will need to reschedule your event to another date.
All necessary documentation pertaining to liability insurance must be on file in the District Office before approval will be given for facility use.
The person/organization making the request is responsible for ensuring all in attendance follow District rules and contacting administration if any problems occur.
Individuals shall not use, access or enter any portions of the District facilities or use any District equipment not specified in the approved written request form.
Individuals shall refrain from any conduct or activities not specifically identified in the approved written request form.
When advertising or promoting activities held at District facilities, individuals and community groups shall clearly communicate that the activities are not being sponsored by the District.
District equipment used in conjunction with requested facilities shall be identified when the application is submitted. Users of school equipment must accept liability for any damage to or loss of equipment that occurs while in their use. Where rules so specify, no equipment may be used except by a qualified operator, provided by the school.
At no time shall any door leading into the facility be propped open for any reason. Unlocked doors shall be monitored at all times.
The person/organization making the request is responsible for all young children in attendance. Children are to remain in the requested area under adult/parent supervision.
Any violation of this policy may result in suspension of privileges to use the facilities.
Coaches and Advisors:
In-season activities take priority. In the event that the requested facility is needed for an organizations in-season event, you will need to reschedule your event to another date.
The Coach or Advisor making the request is responsible for ensuring all in attendance follow District rules and contact administration if any problems occur.
If a custodian is not needed at the event, the Coach or Advisor is responsible for the opening and closing of the building, including disarming and arming the alarm system and cleanup after the event. If the event is open to the public, and not limited to Jim Thorpe Area School District students, a custodian's presence during the event is required. The District will charge the organization the cost of the custodian's overtime and all applicable payroll fees. The organization will be notified in advance of this fee.
Senior projects will only be considered a school-sponsored activity if they are limited to Jim Thorpe Area School District students and are offered free of charge (donations may be requested if raising money for charitable organizations.) The high school gymnasium may not be used for senior projects unless the projected number in attendance exceeds 150 people. An advisor AND at least one (1) custodian MUST be present during a senior project event. Facilities requests for a senior project MUST be completed by an Advisor who will be overseeing the event. If the requested facility is needed for a school-sponsored organization, the senior project event will need to be rescheduled to another date. An event cannot be considered a senior project to avoid an outside organization' requirement to pay a fee or obtain liability.
Hold Harmless Clause
The requesting organization (and the officer, agent, or representative, thereof individually and jointly and severally, with the organization), or individual, agrees (a) to pay for and assume full liability for any loss or damages to persons or property or claims therefore resulting to or arising from the use of school district property or facilities by such organization or individual (and those granted access to the facility thereby) whether from an occurrence at the property or facility itself during such use, before or after any such use, going to and from any such use, in or about available parking areas or otherwise; (b) to reimburse and/or hold harmless the school district, its board of directors, and the members, agents and employees thereof from any such loss, damage or claim, including, but not limited to its or their attorney's fees; and (c) to pay any attorney's fees and costs paid or incurred by the school district to enforce any obligations or imposed under this paragraph or otherwise herein.