Mandated Health Services

Mandated Health Services
Pennsylvania School Health Services provides the following mandated health services to student during the school year.
1. Medical examinations
According to the Pennsylvania Public School code Section 1402e:
Physical examinations are required (1) upon original entry into school in the Commonwealth, (2) while in the sixth grade, and (3) while in eleventh grade. Physicals done by a family physician within one year prior to entry into the grade where and examination is required and recorded on a state form are acceptable by state regulations. Forms may be obtained through the school nurse or by clicking the following link.
Parents/guardians who choose to have their child examined in the school by the school physician will be notified of the time and date of the examination. Parents are encouraged to be present during the examination.
2. Dental examinations
Dental examinations are required upon original entry into school in the Commonwealth, 3rd, and 7th grade, including all new students upon original entry into the district. School dental screenings are provided free by the certified dentist at school to meet this mandate. In lieu of the school screening, parents may submit a private dental report from their family dentist by November 1 of the current school year or sixty days after enrolling in the district. The date of the private exam may not exceed one year prior to the start of the school year.
3. Vision Screening
Vision screening is done annually for all grades K-12.
4. Hearing Screening
Hearing screening is done in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 7, 11 and all other children who are newly enrolled in the district or who have a history of a hearing concern.
5. Growth Screening
Growth screening is the height, weight and BMI percentile which is done for all grades K-12. The Pennsylvania Department of Health requires school districts to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) in all grade levels K-12.
BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) is a good way to monitor you child’s weight to determine if he/she is at risk for certain chronic diseases. The BMI formula helps to see whether a child’s weight is in proportion to his or her height.
A BMI PERCENTILE indicates how a person’s measurements compare to others of the same age and gender.
BMI less than the 5th percentile……………………..Underweight
BMI between the 6th and 84th percentiles………….Normal weight
BMI between the 85th and 95th percentiles…At risk for overweight
BMI equal to or greater than the 95th percentile………OverweightSource: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
6. Scoliosis Screening
Scoliosis screening is done in 6th and 7th grade.
Screening Referrals
What does a referral mean?
If you receive a referral form after any school screening, it means that the screening detected a possible concern. Further evaluation by a professional health care provider is recommended. Please have your private physician (or health care provider), dentist, or eye doctor complete the form after evaluating your child. Return the completed form to the school nurse. If you have any question or concerns please contact the school nurse.