Registration Requirements & Procedures

Welcome to the Jim Thorpe Area School District. Please read this document in its entirety as it will provide you with the information you need to register your child in our district.
Age Requirements
Kindergarten- The student must be five (5) years old by September 1st.
First Grade - The student must be six ( 6) years old by September 1st.
Kindergarten Open Registration Procedures
The student must be five (5) years old by September 1st to be eligible for kindergarten.
Open registration for kindergarten for the following school year is typically scheduled in late March or early April, and will be announced on the district website and by public notice. Open registration will be held at both L.B. Morris School and Penn Kidder Campus, and you should attend the registration for the school your child will be attending. If there is a question concerning which school, please review the Zoning Maps or contact the JTASD Administration office. An apppointment is necessary during the open registration days at each school and can be scheduled by contacting the respective school's office. Kindergarten students registering after the open registration days should follow the General Registration procedures.
Required Documentation for Student Registration
The required documents are indicated in bold print by an asterisk (*).
*Proof of Student's Age: Any one of the following constitutes acceptable documentation:
Birth certificate; notarized copy ofbirth certificate; baptismal certificate; copy of the record of baptism- notarized or duly certified and showing the date of birth; notarized statement from the parents or another relative indicating the date of birth; a valid passport; a prior school record indicating the date of birth.*Immunization Records:Acceptable documentation includes: either the child's immunization record, a written statement from the former school or from a medical office that the required immunizations have been administered, or that a required series are in progress, or verbal affirmation from the former school district or medical office that the required immunizations have been completed, with records to follow.
*Proof of Residency: includes the following acceptable documentation: A deed, a lease, current utility bill, current credit card bill, property tax bill, vehicle registration,driver's license, DOT identification card. A district may require that more than one form of residency confmnation be provided. Jim Thorpe School district requests two (2) proofs of residency.
*Home Language Survey:All students seeking first time enrollment in a school shall be given a home language survey in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights. Enrollment of the student may NOT be delayed in order to administer the home language survey.
*Act 26 (1995} Affidavit with Current address within district limits: A sworn statement to affirm or deny that a student has been Suspended or Expelled for violent behavior or a drug policy violation.
Requested Documentation for Student Registration
School Districts often seek to obtain information from families in addition to the mandatory items listed. Although not required, the following requested documents will greatly assist in providing Jim Thorpe Area School District with critical information concerning your child. This information is used for various purposes such as student placement, emergency contact information and information to track student data as required by Pennsylvanian Department of Education.
Records of grades from previous school(s) are requested.
Copies of most recent report card, progress report and/or schedule
Records must have name, address and phone number of the school
For secondary students, information is needed on all previous grades 9-12 for proper transfer of credit and grade placement.
Proof of Custody/Child Support (if applicable)
Divorced or separated parents should provide official court order which names the custodial parent.
1302 Guardianship Form (if applicable)
Notarized guardianship papers by the parent and guardian completed prior to registration Note: This form is subject to approval by the Superintendent.
Special Education Records (if applicable)
This includes current copies of IEP, ER, 504 plan and any testing reports. This paperwork is crucial for ensuring proper placement of your child.