Title 1

Title I is designed to help academically non-proficient children meet challenging content and student performance standards.  Title I provides financial assistance through state educational agencies to local school districts.  Funds are provided from the federal government to schools based on the school’s percentage of economically disadvantaged families.  All students are eligible to participate in the Title I program after the district/school is identified and funded.  In the Jim Thorpe Area School District, the purpose is to provide reading and math intervention to prevent our students from failing and to prepare them to meet the Language Arts  and Mathematics Standards adopted by the State of Pennsylvania.  The school district must use the Title I funds to supplement, not supplant, available funds in the identified schools and grade level programs.

The Jim Thorpe Area School District uses the Title I funds it receives to provide services to children in Reading and Mathematics.  The funds received are used to employ certified reading and mathematics specialists.  Our program provides supplemental education to students in reading and mathematics using research-based reading programs.  A portion of the Jim Thorpe Area School District’s Title I funds are allocated to children attending non-public schools, parent involvement, and professional development.